Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Roasted Corn Salad

Gourmet Guy here.We had a couple of ears of fresh corn and didn't use them right away. Needed to find a way to use them, so I winged it and this is what happened!


2 ears fresh corn
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 medium bell pepper
2 slices yellow onion, 1/4 inch
1/2 small jicama
3 Roma toamtoes
1 Anaheim chili
1/2 small jalapeno
1 scallion
Cilantro, chopped
Salt and pepper to taste
Honey lime dressing

Coat corn with olive oil and grill over high heat until corn begins to char. Slice corn off cob and place in bowl. Cut sides off bell pepper core. Grill two sides and dice the other two. Remove skin from the grilled pepper and dice. Grill onion slices until browned and dice. Peel and dice jicama. Dice tomatoes. Dice scallion and chilies. Add all ingredients to the corn, stir, salt and pepper to taste.

Honey lime dressing
1 Tbsp honey
1 lime, juiced
3 Tbsp oil
2 small cloves garlic, pressed

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and whisk well.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Strawberry Spring Salad with Red Onion Vinaigrette


Spring Mix
Strawberries, sliced
1 c candied pecans
1 c sugar
Cucumber, sliced


! c red onion, diced
2 c canola oil
2/3 c. white vinegar
1 c sugar
2 t Dijon mustard
2 t salt

Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.  Refrigerate until serving, can be stored for up to one week. 

Layer all salad ingredients and drizzle dressing over, usually one half of the recipe is enough, or serve on the side.  Top with candied pecans, also can be served to the side as an option. 

Candied Pecans

1/4 c. sugar
2 T water
1 c pecans

Dissolve sugar in water and bring to a boil.  Add the nuts and coat evenly place on parchment and let stand.

(Note my youngest daughter dislikes most of the ingredients in this salad but she is the one who found and brought this to our family meal.)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

We love Frozen!

Like so many our family has been struck by the movie Frozen!  With five daughters the message of sisterly love touched me deeply.  At family gatherings we often turn on the music and before long all of us are singing at full volume.  The grand kids love to have the music playing out on our deck and I am sure the neighbors think we are nuts, but we have a great time, memories abound. 
For recent birthdays the love of the theme has been prevalent.  Three different cakes made for three different granddaughters by three different mothers with who are so talented. 
1. The most recent
2. Frozen in the summer time
3. The first. (several sides)

Love my creative and imaginative girls!!!