Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick or Treat 2014

After time of for another and lengthy recovery I was starting to feel like doing fun things in the kitchen again!  Who better for than my Grandkids!
Rather than giving them an extra large candy bar like in the past I decided to do something I borrowed from Pinterest.  The adults thought they were kind of creepy but I thought they were fun and different.
Looking through some of my old recipes I found my file on Harry Potter party themes and it made me want to do something for fun since it was Halloween I actually got more response to these little loaves of bread than from the hands.  I hadn't made bread in a very long time and I couldn't believe that I didn't have my original recipe in my "binder" or on the blog.  We, the Gourmet Guy and I, even tried a recipe for Butterbeer but it didn't turn out as well I had hoped. It was fun trying and seeing responses.  Oh to have the recipe from Universal Studios! It felt so good to be back at the creative stuff again.