Thursday, May 14, 2015

Briques (Brik in Tunisia)

This is a copy cat of sorts from the Gourmet Guys father from his time working in Tunisia.  It is his version of Briques that are served in Tunisia.  It is a family favorite that we only make occasionally because they are deep fried!


12 inch thin flour tortillas
leftover ham, pork roast,  turkey or chicken, cut into cubes (We prefer Ham)
green onions, diced finely (optional)

Take a tortilla, place ham in a circle in the center with the green onion, place egg in the center.  With egg white seal the tortilla in half and deep fry until golden brown, drain and cool.( The Gourmet Guy and his father liked them so that the eggs were barely cooked but the rest of us like it done a little more!) Eat it like an upside down Taco.
The Gourmet Guys dad was the original Gourmet Guy!  He was the real cook in his family while my Gourmet Guy was growing up.  He traveled a great deal and had a knack for tasting something that he liked and being able to replicate it when he got home.
(In Tunisia is made with a sticky lump dough and filled with tuna, or ground meat, and topped with anchovies, capers and cheese.)

Monday, May 11, 2015

Master Mixes (revisited) Ranch Dressing (More Important than ever! Food Allergies)

As mentioned in a previous post our family is being impacted with more and more allergies or food intolerance issues.  I used to faithfully make my own mixes because I knew exactly what was in them and there were no extra additives etc.  As my family grew and life became hectic I used prepackaged mixes more and more.  I have once again come full circle and am making and using my own mixes.  Some of the ingredients have to be altered a little bit here and there but all in all I will be making my own mixes once again to meet the needs of a much larger extended family. 
Because we now have tree nut allergies, dairy allergies, tomato and avocado allergies, gluten intolerance, diabetes, and high blood pressure to contend with it makes life a little challenging. Some of these have been with us for a few years but others have come to the front in the last two especially.  I certainly have become a label reader more than I have ever before in my life.  For pot luck meals with extended family we are having to have families make sure that particular details are taken care of in order to meet specific needs.  With mixes I can alter salt content or gluten by using a different product than in the past.  But there is nothing that sneaks in that might be harmful to one of my loved ones.  In addition I know exactly when they were made and how long the shelf life is. 
Making mixes in bulk saves on time and clean up.  With the mixes that might need adjustment for gluten some of the ingredients have to be added at the time of preparation, I include that step on the instructions. For example the bouillon used to be dry and could be added all at one time, now the beef replacement has to be refrigerated so it is added to the rest of the dry ingredients at the time of use.

Obviously the Ranch Dressing does not meet the dairy free requirement but it fits into all of the other dietary needs in the family.  I love this recipe and am not sure why I stopped making it in the first place.  Our little dippers love it as much as the bottled kind and some of my girls like it even more. 
This is a copy cat of Mo's Ranch Dressing.

Ranch Dressing                                                            

1/4 t. garlic powder                                                     
1 t. onion powder                                                         
1 t. dried minced onion                                          
1 t. salt                                                                 
1T. dried parsley
1/4 t. ground pepper

1/2 c. buttermilk powder
2 c. mayonnaise
1 c. water

Mix all of the dry ingredients, except the buttermilk powder, and place in a plastic bag and seal tightly.  Place mixes in a plastic container with a good seal to store.  To make a mix up add the dry ingredients to the buttermilk powder, the mayonnaise and water and mix well, chill before serving.

One of my favorite uses of the Ranch Dressing is in the bottom right picture above.  An avocado with mini shrimp and the dressing similar to a salad at Mo's in Newport Oregon which the Gourmet Guy and I love. (Obviously this particular use is not an option to those who can't eat avocado and who won't eat shrimp!)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Cinco De Mayo-Nachos

Nacho - Copy Cat (Serendipity)

I don't go to Vegas very often, only for certain sporting events, visiting friends, or stopping through on our way to CA.  I am not a gambler but there are certain things that I love in Vegas like the fountains and gardens at the Bilago, and particular restaurants.  My daughter loves the frozen hot chocolate drinks at "Serendipity" but I love the Nachos! In celebration of Cinco De Mayo I once again attempted to make my version of Serendipity's Nachos.  My first try was the best, this time they were not as goopy!  But still a fun treat once in awhile.


tortilla chips, I love the Juanita's brand
ground beef
1/2 yellow onion, chopped fine
black beans, rinsed and drained
Tostido's Salsa Con Queso, med or mild
tomato, chopped
green Chiles, optional
guacamole. as desired (previously posted)
sour cream
cheddar cheese, grated (to top)
green onions, chopped

Layer tortilla chips with beans, ground beef, green Chiles, the salsa con queso (generously, after warming), tomato, and guacamole. Repeat layers one or two more times, top with sour cream, cheddar cheese and green onion. 

These chips are fabulous, more like I have had in a good Mexican restaurant than any other store bought chip.  Served warm they are even better and they are also gluten free.

Friday, May 1, 2015

It's a Graduation Celebration (Natalie's cookie fun)

Time to Celebrate Rachel's accomplishment!  She has been working hard to earn her Master's Degree.  She is a wife, mother of two little ones, as well as a full time teacher, and teacher on special assignment at her school.  To say she has been busy the last couple of years is an understatement.  A good portion of our extended family were able to go and cheer her on as she received her diploma.  Natalie made her some of her fabulous cookies to celebrate with afterwards.  Time to play!