Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cinnamon Roll Cake

In large bowl combine:
3/4 c. oil
1 c. brown sugar
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 t. salt

Mix well and take 3/4 c. for topping

Add to remaining mixture:
2 1/2 c. flour
3/4 c. white sugar
1 t. soda
1 c. sour milk (2 tbsp vinegar in milk)
1/2 t. salt
Beat well. Add 2 eggs and beat 1-2 minutes more.
Pour in 9 x 13 pan sprinkle topping over

3/4 c. first mixture
1/2 c. nuts (opt)
2 tsp. cinnamon
Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

What can you do with pumpkin other than pies?

Pumpkin Roll

3 eggs, beat on high for 5 minutes.
1 c. sugar gradually added to the eggs
2/3 c. pumpkin (stir into the above mixture)
1 t. lemon juice

In another bowl mix.
3/4 c. flour
1 t. baking powder
2 t. cinnamon
1 t. ginger
½ t. nutmeg
½ t. salt

Stir the above together and fold into pumpkin mixture. Spread in a greased and floured jelly roll pan, I have also greased the pan and sprinkles it with powdered sugar but it can make it slightly sticky. Top with 1 c. finely chopped walnuts (optional) Bake at 375 for 15 mins. Turn out on tea towel, cool. Spread filling over cake. Roll, and sprinkle with powdered sugar, and chill.

1 c powdered sugar
6 oz. cream cheese

4 T. butter
½ t. vanilla

Beat until smooth.
(Note: 1 large can of pumpkin makes 5 rolls. Recipe freezes well.)

Pumpkin Cookies

1 spice cake mix
1 15 oz. can pumpkin
1 c. chocolate chips

Mix canned pumpkin and spice mix together, just the mix from the box not the mixture with eggs and the oil. Add chocolate chips, drop onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
3 cups sugar
6 eggs
1 T. cinnamon
1 tsp. cloves
1/4 tsp. ginger
1 T. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
3 c. milk chocolate chips
2 c. butter
1 large can pumpkin
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 T. vanilla
1 T. baking powder
4 1/2 cups flower
Mix butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla. Add spices and flour. Mix in pumpkin slowly. Add chocolate chips last. Fill in muffin tins. Bake @ 350 for 15-20 minutes ( maybe longer depending on oven check with toothpick)This recipe makes a ton, so I froze a bunch of them. They taste so good after you pop them into the microwave for 30 seconds...melted chocolate chips..mmmm.
(I got this from a class at a local store, so easy it's crazy!) (Nichole Barney)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

Make Gravy:
2/3 c. margarine or butter
2/3 c. flour
1 t. salt
½ t. pepper
3½ c. broth
1 1/3 c. milk

Melt butter over low heat, blend in flour, salt, and pepper. Cook over low heat, stirring until mixture is smooth and bubbly, remove from heat. Stir in broth and milk. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly. Boil and stir one minute. Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. (reserve about 1/3 of gravy for top when serving.)

Stir in
2-4 boiled potatoes, cut up
1 medium onion, chopped and sauteed until tender
1 1/2 - 2 c. cooked chicken, diced in 1/2 inch pieces
1 can peas
1 can carrots
1 can corn
1 can mushrooms
or 1 16 oz. bag of frozen vegetables, adding the potatoes

Pie Crust
1/3 c. plus 1 T. shortening
1 c. flour
1/2 t. salt
2-3 T .cold water

Cut shortening into flour until pieces are the size of small peas. Sprinkle in water one tablespoon at a time tossing with a fork until all flour is moistened and pastry almost cleans side of bowl
(Double for two crust. This is the recipe that I use 90% of the time)

or this pie crust
1 1/3 c. plus 4 T. shortening
4 c. flour
1/2 t. salt
8-10 T. water

Gather pastry in ball roll 1/2 of dough 1/4 inch thickness. Place in bottoms of pie plates, prick bottoms. Pour in filling and roll remaining dough for tops. Cut slits in center to allow steam out. Or these can be made in smaller pies for and individual serving.Bake at 425 for 30-35 minutes.

(This can be frozen and reheated and served at a later time.)
(During a fun “Harry Potter” party I made this pot pie recipe and added green food coloring to the gravy. I used the second crust recipe and put all of the filling into a large lasagna pan. The crust had to be pieced together to get it all in I called it “Hagrid’s Pot Pie” and it was a great success.)

Cinnamon Rolls/Sticky Buns

Cinnamon Rolls

4 c. scalded milk
1 ½ c. sugar
2 t. salt
8 eggs, beaten
2 c. mashed potatoes
1 ½ c. shortening
½ c. warm water
2 pkg. yeast
6 c. whole wheat flour (or enough white flour to make a soft dough. approx. 9-10 c.)

Rise twice. Roll out. Sprinkle with butter, sugar, and cinnamon. Bake at 375 until golden brown.
(At Pike Place in Seattle there is a little bakery that serves the best Sticky Buns I have ever had-with the exception of my mom's! The caramel melts in your mouth. )

Sticky Buns:

¾ c. corn syrup
¼ c. butter
½ c. brown sugar

Combine and place on jelly roll pan before you put the cinnamon rolls on to raise. (Best done with 1½ of the sticky bun recipe.) Before pan cools turn upside down on a piece of wax paper or plastic wrap to allow the caramel to be on top and drip down through the cinnamon rolls.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mediterranean Herb Roasted Chicken

5 t. fresh rosemary, chopped
4 t. garlic, minced
½ t. salt
3 T. lemon juice
1 T. olive oil
1½ t. dried thyme
½ t. dried savory or oregano
½ t. pepper
3 medium red potatoes, cut into wedges
2 medium onions, cut into 1 inch wedges
4 whole chicken legs
1 red pepper, cut into 1 inch wedges, or multi colored peppers
1 medium zucchini, halved lengthwise, cut into 2 inch pieces
Preheat oven to 375. Finely chop rosemary, garlic, and salt. Stir in lemon juice, oil, thyme,oregano, and pepper. Spray bottom or wide shallow roasting pan with cooking spray. Scatter potatoes and onions in pan; add chicken. Spoon 2 T. herb mixture over the chicken and vegetables in the pan; toss to coat. Place chicken on top of the potatoes and onion. Bake 45 minutes. Remove from oven; baste with accumulated juices. Scatter peppers and zucchini around chicken; spoon remaining herb mixture over chicken and all vegetables. Bake 23-30 minutes or until chicken is browned and no longer pink in the center.

Vegetable Linguine

Vegetable Linguine

1 bunch broccoli, cut into florets
2 small zucchini, sliced into thin rounds
1 lb. asparagus, cut into 1 inch pieces

Bring these to a boil and cook until softened.

2 medium tomatoes, blanched, peeled, cut in chunks
¼ c. olive oil
½ lb. mushrooms, sliced
1 ½ t. salt
1 t. basil
1 small onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced

Saute mushrooms, onions, and garlic in olive oil, add tomatoes, basil and salt. Combine with the cooked vegetables.

1 lb. linguine, cooked

1/2 c. butter
1 c. heavy cream
1 1/3 c. grated Parmesan

Bring butter and cream to a slight boil, add Parmesan and mix just until blended.

Combine all of the vegetables and place on top of cooked noodles, pour sauce on top and serve.

(This recipe came from a friend in Washington. It is a favorite during the summer when we have fresh veggies growing in our garden!)

Thinking of Mom

Six years ago my mom passed away. I learned to cook the "basics" from her. She was well known for her breads, casseroles, and especially her Sunday Meals. She was always willing to take meals into families who needed some help. So as I have thought about her today I thought that I would include some of her recipes that mean a lot to me.

"Mom's Stew "

2 lbs lean stew meat
2-3 carrots, sliced round
2-3 potatoes, cubed
1 onion, chopped
2 large cans tomato juice
(tomato sauce can be used)
2 T. vegetable oil

Brown meat in oil, add remaining ingredients and cook until tender. This can be simmered on a stove top, baked in the oven, or in a slow cooker. The longer and slower the better. Other herbs such as Rosemary, Bay leaves, Marjoram, or Basil can also be added for flavor. Salt and pepper to taste.
German Chocolate Cake

½ c. shortening
1 ½ c. sugar
3 eggs, beaten separately
pinch of salt
1 t. soda
1½ c. buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla
1½ squares of baker’s chocolate

Cream sugar and shortening, add egg yolks, melted chocolate and a little red food coloring
Alternate buttermilk, with soda added, with flour. Fold in egg whites. Bake in layer pans 30-35 minutes at 350.

German Cake Icing:

1 can evaporated milk
1 c. sugar
3 egg yolks
1 t. vanilla
¾ small package of coconut
pecans, finely chopped

Mix ingredients except the coconut and cook, about 12 minutes at a boil. Stirring constantly not to let it scorch. Cool and spread on cake.

(This was a recipe that Mom was well known for. It was a treat for my sister and I to get this cake for our birthdays. Two days before she passed away she was concerned that she had not been able to get a birthday cake made for my sister. She had all of the ingredients purchased and waiting on her counter top. We were all touched that she worried about the cake not being taken care of even as she was dying. I love the frosting but cheat and put it on a much moister cake than the above recipe. However, this is her true recipe.)

Grandma Smith’s Two Day Potato Salad
(This is an approximation to something she made to taste each time. Only she could make her Potato Salad.)

16-18 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes
1 medium onion, chopped finely
2 ½ c. Miracle Whip
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1 ½ T. sugar
1 ½ T. mustard
6-7 hard boiled eggs

Peel, cube, and boil potatoes. (Grandma always boiled the potatoes in their “jackets” and then peeled them and cut them up the day before she assembled the salad.) Boil the eggs and cool them. Chop the onion up finely. Mix the vinegar, Miracle Whip, sugar, and mustard. When the potatoes have cooled cover with the dressing and the onions and mix together well. Quarter and slice all but two of the hard boiled eggs and gently mix into the salad, thinly slice the two remaining eggs and layer across the top of the salad, sprinkle the top with paprika.

(Note the dressing for her salad was made with Miracle Whip only, mayonnaise does not give the same flavor for her “two day salad.” This salad was always requested by the family! for special occasions.)


1 lb. lean ground beef, or round or sirloin steak sliced thin
½ medium onion, chopped
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 4 oz. can of sliced mushrooms, optional
1 c. sour cream
egg noodles, cooked (rice works well too.)

Brown ground beef and onions in a large frying pan. While the meat mixture is browning bring a pot of water to boil and cook the egg noodles. Add the cream of chicken soup, mix until blended and simmer two minutes. Add the cream of mushroom soup, simmer and add the mushrooms. When the pasta is al dente drain and add butter, if desired. Stir in the sour cream just before serving.

Shepherds’ Pie or Green Bean Casserole

1 lb. lean ground beef
1 medium onion, chopped
1 15 ½ oz. can green beans, drained
1 10 ¾ oz. can of tomato soup
3-4 medium potatoes
cheddar cheese, grated

Peel potatoes and cut into smaller pieces to speed up the cooking time, add to salted boiling water. In a large frying pan brown the ground beef, add the onions when the meat is no longer pink. When the onions become translucent, stir in the green beans and tomato soup heat through. Place the meat mixture into an oven safe casserole dish and top with the mashed potatoes and cheese. Bake at 350 for 25 mins. until the cheese is bubbly on top.

(This is one of those recipes that you can make two of and freeze one for a future day.)

Tex-Mex Tortilla Soup

2 whole large chicken breasts, skinned and boned,
2 c. water
1 14.5 oz. can beef broth
1 14.5 oz. can chicken broth
1 14.5 oz. can tomatoes, cut up
½ c. onion, chopped
½ c. green pepper, chopped
1 8 & 2/4 oz. whole kernel corn, drained
1 t. chili powder
½ t. cumin
1/8 t. black pepper
Tortilla chips, 3 c. coarsely crushed
4 oz. Monterrey Jack cheese, about 1 c., grated
1 avocado, peeled, seeded, and cut up

Cut chicken into 1 inch cubes; set aside. In a large saucepan combine water, chicken broth, beef broth, undrained tomatoes, onion, and green pepper. Bring to boiling. Add chicken; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 10 mins. Add corn, chili powder, cumin, and pepper. Simmer, covered, for 10 mins more. To serve, place crushed tortilla chips into each bowl. Ladle soup over tortilla chips. Sprinkle with cheese, avocado, and cilantro if desired. Serve with lime wedges, if desired. Makes 6 servings.

This is a recipe that I discovered many years ago and is truly and family favorite. There are many Tortilla Soup recipes out there but this is by far my favorite to fix. I keep the ingredients on hand always because it is so easy and fast to fix. It is very similar to a local restaurant that is very popular in our area.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Fall-Time for Soups!!!!

I love fall because of the harvest of fruits and vegetables in the garden and in the local farms. But I also love it because the temperature drops in the evening and it's time for soup again. I am always looking for new tasty recipes or trying to come up with new ones on my own but I always turn to some of my old classics. Here are some of them.

Potato Cheese Soup

3 c. boiling water
3 chicken bouillon cubes
4 c. diced potatoes
½ c. chopped onion
½ c. chopped celery
½ c. chopped green pepper
½ c. chopped carrots
½ c. flour
2 c milk
1 t. salt
¼ c. butter
3 c. cubed Monterey Jack or Cheddar Cheese

Add veggies to boiling water, cook 20 mins or until done. Mix flour with milk and salt and thicken soup. Add margarine and cheese and melt. Serve when cheese is fully melted.

Wild Rice Turkey Soup

1 box Uncle Ben's Wild Rice
½ c. green onions
1 ½ c. turkey, cooked and cubed
8 strips fried crumbled bacon
3 14.5 oz. cans chicken broth
2 c. water
2 c. half and half
½ c. butter
¾ c. flour
1/4 t. poultry seasoning
1/4 t. pepper
salt to taste
2-3 caps of cooking sherry

Make your roux. Boil your rice in the broth--mix all together and simmer until ready to serve
Broccoli Soup

6 c. chicken broth
½ c. onion
2 t. salt
2 heads broccoli
1½ c. butter or margarine
1½ c. flour
2 qts. half and half
1 8 oz. Cheese Whiz
Place chicken broth, onion, salt, and broccoli in a large pan and cook until tender. Melt butter, gradually stir in flour until blended, add half and half, heat until thickened. Mix into vegetables and add Cheese Whiz. Serve warm. .

Clam Chowder

1 c. onion finely chopped
1 c. celery finely diced
2 c. potatoes, finely diced
¾ c. flour
¾ c. butter or margarine
1 qt half and half
1½ t. salt
¼ t. pepper
2 6½ oz. clams, undrained

Combine vegetables in small saucepan. Drain clams: pour juice over vegetables; add enough water to cook. Cook covered, until tender. Meanwhile, melt butter in large heavy saucepan. Stir in flour until blended and bubbly. Remove from heat; stir in cream until smooth, blended and bubbly. Return to heat; cook and stir with wire whip until thick and smooth. Add vegetables and clams heat through. Season with salt and pepper.

For even better flavor add chopped bacon slices and a few drops of Tabasco.