Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Made with my Italian Sauce on the side bar

Lasagna noodles (do not need to be cooked ahead of time.)

Grated Cheddar Cheese

Grated Mozerella Cheese

Parmesan Cheese

Cottage Cheese

In a 9x13 pan place a little of the sauce on the bottom of the pan. Place uncooked lasagna noodles down cover with sauce, and a layer of each cheese. Repeat the process again. Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 1 hour. In the last 10 minutes of baking take the foil off to finish baking.

(This can be frozen after it is assembled. To thaw place in the refigerator the night before and bake until bubbly hot. You can also bake it frozen but it takes up to two hours. Smaller versions can be made as well.)

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