Saturday, February 7, 2009

Comfort Foods-Scalloped Potatoes

There are many recipes that could qualify as comfort foods depending on what you like or liked as a child. One one of these recipes for me is Scalloped Potatoes. I loved when my mom made scalloped potatoes for dinner, but the best part was having them warmed up for breakfast on Saturday mornings. It is something we carried over in my family in fact I make large batches just so we have the leftovers for breakfast.
Gotta love those Saturday Morning Breakfasts, at least once in awhile!
Scalloped Potatoes

8-10 large potatoes, peeled and sliced thin
1 medium onion, sliced thin or chopped
3 t. salt
¾ c. flour
4 c. milk
1 cube butter

Butter inside a glass 9x13 pan and gently flour. Put a layer of the potatoes on the bottom, dot with slices of the butter, salt generously, and add a layer of the onion. Repeat until the potatoes are gone. Cover with milk until the potatoes are covered. Place in the microwave for 10 minutes to aid in cooking time. Bake at 350 for 40-45 minutes longer until the top of the potatoes are golden brown and crispy.

For Saturday Breakfast melt a little butter in a skillet and warm the potatoes until they get a slight brown on the bottom and are heated thoroughly.

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