Friday, June 5, 2009

Chocolate Frogs

When I was the "Hostess" for the classes in The Little Theatre at the Orem Macey's I had a lot of fun putting together classes based on the Harry Potter books and Movies. One of the things that I did was to buy some molds and make my own version of "Chocolate Frogs". After the last class that I did I had quite a few frogs leftover and so I filled a glass jar with them and put them in my pantry. They have become a favorite thing for my grandsons to snack on when they come to the house. I recently told the five year old that we would have to make some more because the jar was almost empty. While he was there the last time he held me to my promise that we would make some. Any opportunity to do something with him is aways welcome so we melted the chocolate and started filling the molds.

Don't you love the concentration?

Soon the Aunts were involved as well.

What do you do with the leftover chocolate? Lick it off of the spoon of course!

Just a few fun memories in the kitchen.
(Molds can be purchased at Orson Gygi and Bakers Cash and Carry in Salt Lake City.)


  1. Cute, I didn't realize you guys had done those. I assume that was while I was out cold?

  2. While you were in the process. He was very cute about it!
