Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Joes Seafood Grill

The Saturday before I was to come home my husband, Kerry, and I went to the North Shore again because the waves were up and we love to spend time on the beach (This time we didn't put our swimming suits on because we expected it to be to rough, what we were we thinking?) We spent the afternoon walking and riding on the coastline it was wonderful. We had intended to go back to the Hotel/apartment and fix dinner but it got late enough that we decided to try another place in Haleiwa that I had read about. I am still looking for a really good fish place on the Island.

It was a very nice place a little more pricey than we had planned on but we had been curious and decided to try it.
The view out into the ocean was great even though the picture really doesn't show it all that well. We got a kick out of watching the wild chickens run around while we were waiting for our food to arrive. The Blue Cheese dressing was probably the best I have had in a very long time.
I had a Tai Spicy Shrimp dish and they weren't kidding. It was served on top of pasta with pesto that was really good.

Kerry had a ginger based Barbecue Rib plate that was ok. But certainly not anything to write home about. It was nice to try it because we had noticed it before but it isn't one that we will visit over and over. Again the mom and pop places on Oahu have seemed to be the biggest treat for our taste buds. So I am still looking for a really good seafood place on the Island.

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