Saturday, October 10, 2009


My favorite restaurant in Haleiwa closed in September and so as we were going back to Honolulu from the North Shore we had to find another place to eat. Our Daughter her husband, and boys were able to come over for the ADA convention and to play with us. We let the boys choose where we were going to have dinner because with young kids it is always a little bit of a challenge to know where to go. They chose a place called Spaghettini's. It is just a little outdoor restaurant that my husband and I have wondered about as we have driven by. I was very impressed with this little place it had very good pasta's and pizza. We were all exhausted from playing tourist and being on the beach so sitting on the porch with a cool breeze was very relaxing.
The pizza slices were huge but very tasty and the boys loved them.
Eating the big pieces was some what of a challenge to begin with.

Such a sweet smile.
Finger food is the best for a three year old.
The restaurant is just off of the road as you drive through town but it appears to be a local favorite. We have discovered another fun and fairly inexpensive place to eat.

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