Thursday, November 12, 2009

Huevos Rancheros

Bring chile sauce and diced green peppers to boil.
Add eggs to the sauce.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Cover and steam until eggs are desired doneness.
Place eggs on warmed corn tortilla
Add cheese and avocados.

Huevos Rancheros

Corn tortillas, 1 each
eggs, 2 each,
2/3 cup chili sauce (homemade if you have it)
2 heaping tablespoons salsa
1 heaping teaspoon green chilies
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
grated cheddar cheese
Avocado wedges

Heat chili sauce, salsa, and green chilies in a small skillet until mixture begins to boil. Make small indention in center and crack two eggs into it. Salt and pepper to taste. Cover and cook until eggs are set to the desired stage.

While eggs are cooking, microwave corn tortilla for 15 seconds. Slide eggs and sauce out onto the corn tortilla, top with grated cheese and 3-4 avocado wedges.

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