Thursday, November 19, 2009

Peanut Butter Cups

October 26th was my dad's birthday and I had in my mind to make these but my daughter showed up at the house in labor so that planned kind of got side lined. Dad loved this recipe that my sister-in-law introduced to our family. He was gracious about liking a lot of foods and treats but this one he REALLY liked. My daughters say that if they liked a guy it was one of the treats that they would make to take to them. So I finally decided that they sounded good and wanted to remember dad.

Put the graham crackers and put them in a zippered bag, seal, and roll them out to crush them, this can be done if a food processor but I prefer to do it by hand so the crumbs are an uneven texture in the candy
Mix the graham cracker crumbs, powdered sugar, butter, and peanut butter together. It can be a little stiff so if you have a stand mixer it is easiest to use. (Another one of my Favorite Appliances.)

My sister-in-law would always make them in a 9x13 pan and cut them in bar form. They can be very pretty served that way on a nice tray... We usually make small balls and place them in mini cupcake holders. Orson Gigi in Salt Lake has a lot of different colors and patterns for holidays and special occasion.
In a time constraint you can just make a single layer .

While you are making the peanut butter balls place the chocolate chips in a small sauce pan and slowly melt them, stirring constantly. If you want you can put some on the bottom of the cup and then put the peanut butter ball on top, then put more chocolate on top of that. I usually just drop the chocolate on top and let it slide down the side of the cup to fill in a little bit.

In a layer pan just melt the chocolate and spread like frosting over the top.
These should go in the fridge for awhile to set the chocolate a little.

Peanut Butter Cups

1 pkg. graham crackers
2 c. peanut butter
4 c. powdered sugar
2 sticks softened butter, not melted
1 pkg. chocolate chips.

Mix together graham crackers, peanut butter, powdered sugar and softened butter, blend well. Form into balls or place in mini cupcake holders. Melt chocolate chips and spread over the peanut butter mixture.


  1. I haven't made this recipe in AGES...thanks for the reminder. I'll have to try making it into balls this time around...

  2. MMMMMMM memories, and they are so good.

  3. My husband would love these. He's always looking for peanut butter dessert recipes. I'll have to try them out.

  4. Sorry! I had no idea that I ruined that event for you on Grandpa's birthday! I also didn't know that story about the recipe! We will have to make sure that the little monkey loves them too!

  5. No ruining of that event, they still got made and "the little monkey" made his apperance! I had just hoped he would come on that day, oh well he's here and beautiful and I love him!
