Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sunday Pork Roast

When I left for Hawaii it was beautiful, warm, the garden was thriving and the leaves were changing. During the three weeks that I was in Honolulu the garden froze and it turned cold. My daughter, Rebecca, went up the canyon and took beautiful pictures for me because I didn't think that I would get to see them for myself. I was able to see them but my garden was a total loss. (Thanks for the picture Reb)
I love fall but it brings a mixture of emotions for me. I love the beauty and the cooler weather,
both of my parents were born in the fall but unfortunately they both passed away in the fall as well. I find myself missing them tremendously right now and as a result I have been making old recipes and foods that remind me of them.
Growing up my mom always made a beef roast with mashed potatoes and gravy for Sunday dinner. She was the best gravy maker I have ever known. It was a real meat and potatoes kind of meal, the kind that my dad liked. When I met and married my husband I learned to appreciate more foods than I never imagined. We have planted and harvested herbs and tried a variety of spices. Every now and then I just get a craving for a basic meat and potatoes meal. We however, like a good pork roast rather than the beef that my mom made.
Sunday Pork Roast
I took an 8lb. boneless pork roast and slow cooked it in a cast iron pan. With only salt and pepper and 1 c. of water I covered it and baked it at 300 for seven hours.
After seven hours I took the lid off and browned the meat. All of the juices from the meat blended with the water to make a really nice gravy. (With a little flour slurry to thicken.)

The meat was so tender that it fell apart as it was sliced.
This was not even half of the meat that we cooked. With mashed potatoes and wonderful gravy we had the comfort meal that I was craving. Even the home canned beans reminded me of my mom.
There was still a lot of gravy and plenty of meat to make other meals during the week. There's a lot to be said about comfort food.

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