Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am always using guacamole and listing it as a part of my recipes so I thought that it only made sense that I should post it. This is my version of guacamole.

Cut the avocado in half, since it will be mashed up the easiest way to cut the flesh out is to use a spoon and scoop right around the outside and get the avocado out.
Take a sharp knife and hit the pit so that it sticks to the blade. Simply twist the blade and pull the pit out and discard. (or save the pit to put into the guacamole after to prevent it from turning darker.)

I usually do at least two avocados when I make a batch of guacamole. Using a pastry cutter makes mashing the avocado much easier.

A secret to getting lime juice out of a fresh lime is to pierce the skin with a knife and put it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Fresh lime juice adds a great flavor.

Putting the lime halves between a pair of tongs and squeezing saves your hands and gets far more juice out than I can ever do with my own hand. With the lime juice I add a large clove of minced garlic, 1/2 of an onion chopped finely, and 1/2 of a Roma tomato diced small. To bring out the taste even further I add garlic salt to taste. Mix well and serve. This goes really well with my Pico recipe and a lot of others.


2 ripe avocados, peeled and mashed roughly
¼ small onion, chopped finely
1 T. lime juice, fresh is the best
1 small Roma tomato, diced small
garlic salt, to taste

Blend ingredients and serve with tortilla chips or as a garnish.

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