Monday, March 29, 2010

The SPICE of life!

I am lucky that I get to come to Honolulu with my "Gourmet Guy" from time to time. Add to that we have a small kitchen in the place he stays so we are able to fix meals and avoid the cost of eating out all of the time. It is easier to eat healthier when you know exactly what you are preparing. Mind you we still get to eat out once in awhile as well, our favorite thing is to try and find the off beaten mom and pop restaurants that have the really great food. I love having my computer because my recipes are on file or here on the Blog. Many of the recipes are committed to memory which is helpful but I almost always go to the cupboard to get a certain spice thinking I am home and we haven't purchased it here. I always take for granted that the familiar spices are on hand or in the storage room..... SPICES the make or break it part of the meal. Oh how I miss that spice rack at home!

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