Friday, May 14, 2010


Finely shredded Swiss Cheese and Parmesan Cheese
Diced green onion
Fresh basil chopped
in a 8 inch skillet pour 1/2 - 3/4 c. batter and coat the bottom of the pan and lightly brown. Carefully pull the crepe from the side and bottom of the pan and turn to brown the other side.

Place the onion, basil, and cheese on the crepe to melt.
Fold or roll and serve. Use your imagination for savory fillings. Bacon and or sausage are excellent as well.


2 c. flour
1 t. salt
2 T. sugar
3 eggs
1 c. milk
2 T. shortening

Combine ingredients. Pour enough batter to fill the bottom of a frying pan, in a thin even coat. Over medium heat cook until slightly brown, flip the crepe over and brown on the other side.

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