Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Canning-Chili Sauce

I have been putting recipes on here for quite awhile and still I find ones that my girls ask for. I thought that I had this one was on my computer file but alas I did not. So after searching for the original I decided to put it on here and on my permanent file...hopefully Natalie will add pictures as she does this.....(hint, hint, hint!) What I also discovered were more recipes that I had not included as well so here goes another project!

Grandma's Chili Sauce
1/4 bushel ripe tomatoes, finely chopped
12 onions, finely chopped (the original recipe said the size of eggs...)
6 green peppers, finely chopped
2 c. brown sugar (1 pint)
2 c. cider vinegar (1 pint dark vinegar)
3 T. salt
1 T. cinnamon
1/2 t. paprika
1/2 T. allspice
1/2 T. cloves

Mix first six ingredients together and cook until (until almost done) thick. Add spices and cook a little longer. Put in clean canning jars seal, and put in hot water bath for 20 mins (pints). Makes approx 12 pints.
(This is an older recipe so I have made some changes to update but put the original in parenthesis. This recipe came from "the gourmet guy's grandmother and is a family favorite that we use a lot.)

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