Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mummie's Halloween Party

Halloween is such a fun time!
Natalie made the cute invitations for our get together.
The Gourmet Guy and I were able to have most of our family at our home for a little Halloween party. Because I am going to be gone when Harry Potter comes out next month I combined some of the ideas that I had for a party I wanted to do with Halloween.

I thought for a snake this guy turned out pretty cute. The Gourmet Guy and I had a lot of fun making this. We simply took two bundt cakes and cut them to fit into the shape that we wanted. Frosting him took more time and frosting than I planned or wanted but I was very pleased with the end result.
These wands were super easy I just dipped some pretzel sticks into melted chocolate and then sprinkled the top with Halloween colored sprinkles. I put them in the freezer for about a half an hour, just long enough for the chocolate to become solid again.

We had chocolate frogs, cinnamon devils, candy corn and pumpkins, M & M's, chocolate covered bat droppings (raisins), and an assortment of mini candies.

Natalie and Rebecca made these cute cute cookies as well.

This a spider bread raising for dinner.

These are also spiders, just melted chocolates with chow mein noodles topped with M&M's for the eyes. I also placed these in the freezer for a short time.
I had planned on doing calzones or "pizza benders" for dinner with everyone making exactly what they wanted in them. But in the interest of time we bought Pumpkin Pizzas from Papa Murphy's, we'll do "pizza benders another time!

After dinner we started the fun this is Rebecca's masterpiece.

From Natalie's family, the cannibal pumpkin.

And from Jessica's family.
The invitation stated that no one would be admitted to the party without a costume.

Count Gourmet Guy taking a bite out of the "mummy," too bad my costume kept slipping on me.
Muse even stopped by to join in the fun! Cameron was Chris, Rebecca was Dom and Rachel was Matt. They seriously like this band, some more than others.

Natalie's family aren't they cute!

Jessica's family. I felt so much safer with a police man and a strong cowboy there to protect us.

Just had to do a close up on this little kitten, she is such a doll.

This little Tigger kept us laughing the entire evening!
I can't believe he's turning one this week.

It was such a fun evening I wish the whole family could have been there.


  1. What a fun event! The cookies look cute ~ how did the spider bread turn out?

  2. I love everything! The invitations, the cookies, the snake cake! The family photos are great too!
