Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mock Cheesecake

In college my ward community, in the dorm my freshman year, put together a small cookbook. One of the recipes that I learned to love was a mock cheesecake. I have made it a lot over the years and as I pulled it out the other day I discovered that the print is fading so I wanted to get it on here before I loose it.

Because not all of us like the same toppings we just added our favorite to make it our own favorites.

Caramel and Chocolate

Mock Cheesecake


1 12 oz. pkg. Cool Whip
1 8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 c. powdered sugar

Mix cream cheese with the Cool Whip and the powdered sugar, until well blended. Poor into a Graham cracker crust.

Graham Cracker Crust:

1 c. graham crackers, crushed
1/3 c. melted butter
1/3 c. sugar

Combine ingredients and form into a 9 inch pie pan. Pour the filling into the crust and chill. Top with your favorite topping.
The most common cherry pie filling.

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