Monday, April 30, 2012

Rhubarb-Pioneer Recipes

 In a recent trip to Southern Utah we stopped in a couple of small towns that my Great Grandfather had helped settle in 1851 and 1855.  For a number of years I had wanted to stop and see what there was to learn about him and his life.  Because he was in each place for a short time and then "called" to go to other places to help with settlements the information was less than I had hoped for. It also was not yet the tourist season so some of the museums were not open yet, I will have to go back.  I did learn some details which only added to my admiration of him.  In one of the town visitor information center they had this little cookbook that combined pioneer and modern day recipes and I couldn't resist yet another cookbook.  On the drive home I read a number of the recipes to
"the gourmet guy" as he drove.  We got quite a kick out of the book, it isn't put together like most books, you have to read very carefully through the recipe because the list of ingredients isn't always accurate or doesn't include key things that you will find in the instructions.

I have also been looking for recipes for Rhubarb, my dad always had a plant, as well as many of my other relatives.  I just used to eat it dipped in sugar and don't remember my mom ever doing anything with it otherwise.  We have also had the plant in our various gardens and "the gourmet guy" makes a mean Rhubarb Pie, my mouth waters at the thought of it! This recipe was found in our new little treasure and so we tried it over the weekend.  It is a keeper. 

Rhubarb Crunch

1 c. flour
3/4 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. melted butter (for the age of the recipe it also called for oleo as a substitute)
1 t. cinnamon

Mix until crumble, add half to  9x9 pan and press evenly.

4 c. rhubarb, cut and placed on top of the crust

1 c. white sugar
1 c. brown sugar
2 T. cornstarch
1c. water
1 t. vanilla

Add the sugars, vanilla and water and stir together until the sugars are dissolved, add the cornstarch and stir until smooth.  Bring to a boil and stir until it thickens.  Pour over the rhubarb and cover with the remaining crumble mixture.  Bake in a 350 oven for 1 hour.  Serve warm (we added the ice cream, whipped cream could be used as well.)

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