Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Garden's Bounty----Simple Brushcetta

It has been a long time since I posted anything in part because I have been out of the country and because I am now an empty nester and alone part of the time and so cooking hasn't been on my favorite list lately.  Coming home to a garden full of produce has peaked that interest once again.  This is a simple version of Brushcetta but a delightful and simple meal.
 A local store carries these "Bollilo Rolls" I buy them instead of a larger loaf of bread.  Then slice them thinly.
 I love fresh tomatoes, there is simply nothing better than biting into a tomato fresh of the vines.
 Lightly brush olive oil on the bread slices and broil until golden brown.
 With fresh Mozzarella cheese, fresh basil leaves (from the garden) and sliced tomato layer on the bread.
Salt and pepper to taste, enjoy.

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