Saturday, March 30, 2013

Herbed Room Freshener

Following Pinterest can be a habit!  But I do get some good ideas from it  This one is for a room freshener made using a crock pot.  I didn't even pin it I just remembered it so I am not sure who to give the credit to. 

2 lemons, sliced
3 sprigs fresh Rosemary
1 t. vanilla

Place ingredients in crock pot and cover with water.  Heat until it starts to boil and then turn off the crock pot.  When cool place in a mason jar and keep in the fridge until you want to reuse.  Can be used 3-4 times. 

**This was the recipe and it is very nice and clean smelling.  Next time I will add more Rosemary and do half of the vanilla.  just my own personal preference.


  1. This is nice. I agree with adding more Rosemary.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
