Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Where Do I Begin?

As part of my new pantry I had our finish carpenter build a set of shelves that I could store my collection of cookbooks on.  (There are two shelves that are not pictured.)  the builder thought I was crazy and very specific but it turned out just like I wanted
Over the years I have become a collector of recipes and recipe books.  Many of which I haven't even looked at once again after they came into my home.  So I have a new goal I am going to try a new recipe each week, I tried this when my kids were little but it didn't go over so well.  Since the Gourmet Guy and I have become much more adventurous over the years I thought I would give it a go again.  The ones that are successful I will post and share.  It will take a couple of weeks to get started as I figure out which ones I will start with and make my menu and shopping lists. Here goes nothing!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Back Again

Back Again
Almost one year ago we were in total chaos.  We were in the process of building a new home, my dream home!  We had finally sold our home and had to move out before we could move into the new one.  Fortunately our daughter had a spare bedroom to let us crash in for several weeks.  The excitement to get  into the house was almost more than I could handle.  As we walked through daily to see progress the room where I would spend a great deal of time doing "what I love" amazed me.  Little did I know it would turn out so well and that I really do love spending time here and having my family come and spend time here!
Not only was the kitchen a dream come true but the pantry was as well. 
 For the first time since the Gourmet Guy and I got married 35 years ago I have places to store food my dish collections and appliances!  To say that I love my kitchen/pantry/home, is an understatement.
Three months after finally getting settled in I had a knee replacement and have been involved in rehabilitating since then.  I am happy to be feeling more like a normal person once again.  (Just in time to play during spring and summer months!)  Part of feeling more normal means I feel like cooking and experimenting in the kitchen once again, so I am Back Again!