Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Back Again

Back Again
Almost one year ago we were in total chaos.  We were in the process of building a new home, my dream home!  We had finally sold our home and had to move out before we could move into the new one.  Fortunately our daughter had a spare bedroom to let us crash in for several weeks.  The excitement to get  into the house was almost more than I could handle.  As we walked through daily to see progress the room where I would spend a great deal of time doing "what I love" amazed me.  Little did I know it would turn out so well and that I really do love spending time here and having my family come and spend time here!
Not only was the kitchen a dream come true but the pantry was as well. 
 For the first time since the Gourmet Guy and I got married 35 years ago I have places to store food my dish collections and appliances!  To say that I love my kitchen/pantry/home, is an understatement.
Three months after finally getting settled in I had a knee replacement and have been involved in rehabilitating since then.  I am happy to be feeling more like a normal person once again.  (Just in time to play during spring and summer months!)  Part of feeling more normal means I feel like cooking and experimenting in the kitchen once again, so I am Back Again!

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