Tuesday, March 17, 2015

St. Spencer's Day (Patricks)

One of my favorite things to do for St. Patrick's Day is to add the green food color to change up normal foods.  When I did waffles the first time, when my children were quite young, was to do add the green to the waffles, the bacon is a family favorite as it cooks right along the batter.  Note the bacon must be the one sided kind, sliced super thin in order to completely cook.  My oldest daughter refused to eat the waffles and to drink the green milk, she was convinced that it changed the flavor as well.  We have also had really green Shepherds pie, pot pie, pancakes and waffles to name a few things.  Since my second grandson made the 17th his day it has become St. Spencer's Day in our family.  Happy St. Spencer's Day.

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