Monday, April 27, 2009

Kerry's Grilled Dilled Cod

I am such a lucky woman because I have a husband who loves to cook and try new things! This is one of his latest creations. It just melted in my mouth!

Grilled Dilled Cod

2-4 cod filets
1 peeled garlic clove
4-5 chives
1 sprig fresh dill
2-3 sprigs thyme
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
coarse ground salt
fresh ground pepper


Strip leaves from thyme, chop garlic, dill and chives and combine with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Coat filets with olive oil and place on medium hot grill. Turn once after three to five minutes. Coat top of filets with herb/oil mixture and complete cooking for additional three to five minutes. Serve with Penne Caprese.

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