Monday, April 27, 2009

Penne Caprese

We love Pizza Margherita and Caprese Salad so Kerry came up with this pasta dish to serve with the Grilled Dilled Cod, it was yummy as well.

Penne Caprese


8 oz. penne pasta
2 ea peeled garlic clove
4 roma tomatoes
2-3 sprigs basil
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
¾ cup grated fresh mozzarella
coarse ground salt
fresh ground pepper


Cook pasta until al dente. Cut tomatoes into eighths. Chop garlic. Strip leaves from basil and stack together. Slice to make a chiffonade. In a sauté pan, heat oil, add garlic and tomatoes and cook until about half done. Add cooked pasta and two-thirds of the basil and toss well. Salt and pepper to taste. Turn into a serving dish, top with remaining basil and grated fresh mozzarella.

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