Saturday, May 30, 2009


My father-in-law traveled a lot in his job as a Civil Engineer. He had a unique talent to try new foods and then come home and replicate them. On a trip to Tunisia he had a local food called "Briques" when he returned home he made his version of them. They have been a family favorite since. Our daughter and son-in-law just recently had a baby girl. We have been able to be with her prior to delivery and for a few days since. I have been able to make some of her favorite meals during the time we have been her. This afternoon we made "Briques" for her.


Flour tortillas, 1 each (thin ones work best)
eggs, 1 each plus one
3-4 green onions,
chopped choice of meat, diced (turkey, pork, ham)
Salt and black pepper
2 cups vegetable oil

Heat oil in large flat-bottomed skillet. Separate 1 egg and whip the white lightly. Make a small circle of chopped onion and meat in the center of each tortilla. Wet the edge of the tortilla with the beaten egg white. Crack an egg into the circle of meat and onion. Salt and pepper the egg. Fold over the tortilla and place in hot oil. Seal the edges with tongs. Cook until golden brown and egg is to desired doneness, turning once or twice.


  1. My house Tuesday night....Dang, I probably won't be able to eat it. Just smoothies for me!

  2. mmm.. so good. and i already want them again
