Monday, May 4, 2009

Master Mixes

During the 80's I found the book called "Make A Mix" and later "More Make A Mix" I tried a lot of recipes but found only a few that I have loved in them. As a result of this book I have experimented with many of my personal favorite recipes and began making my own mixes. I have also found others over the years that have been added to my "Master Mix" file. I strongly believe in doing a lot of mixes at once rather than take time each time I use a specific recipe to measure out simple dry ingredients. When there are recipes that are used frequently making multiple mixes can save time in the long run. I have also learned to love dry buttermilk because it comes in handy when you are making mixes.

I have also received several mason jars that have been filled with different type of cookie or bread mixes over the last few years. That is a great gift and an easy way to store these type of mixes on your pantry shelf.

Ideas for mixes:

Focaccia Bread (published)
Applesauce Spice Cake (published on side bar)
Dill Dip (published)
Ranch dressing
Taco Spice Mix
Waffles (published)
Onion Soup Mix (published)
Barbecue Sauce
Hot Roll Mix
Chicken Soup
Rubs and Season Mixes.............. use your imagination.

I line glasses with plastic bags and measure out the ingredients in each one. I have also used a vacuum sealer to package some of the mixes.

Making sure that the air is out of each bag I seal or twist the package up and place labels on each one with instructions for preparation.

I really like to make my own mixes because I know exactly what is in each package and when it was made. I also have the ability to use my own dried herbs.

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