Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Manti Turkey"

This became a tradition in our family after visiting the Manti Temple Pageant in Manti Utah. It is served there annually. We have served for many special occasions in our family from birth's to weddings and many other events. I have seen it posted on other blogs so I know that it is popular with many others as well. We have also done this marinade with a boneless pork roast.

"Manti Turkey"

1 pint oil
1 quart 7-Up
1 pint soy sauce
1 T. horseradish (not the sauce)
1 T. garlic powder
Turkey Breast, cut into strips

Combine all ingredients and stir thoroughly. Marinade for 18-24 hours. Barbecue slowly, do not over cook or burn. Turn frequently. Cook until meat is evenly white when cut into with a knife.

Most of the time there are family members standing close by to snatch a piece before we even start the meal. Me included!

She is the reason for our lastest celebration. Isn't she beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. This is the BEST turkey! I haven't had it in a long time, and now I'm hungry! I found your site through the Hive. I look forward to reading your posts and trying out the recipes. Here's to Utah food bloggers!
