Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cupcakes and Cuties...Memories

Cupcakes certainly are one of the hottest trends from a culinary perspective. Rebecca decided she wanted to make some really big ones for a friends birthday, and some mini ones for her nephews who were coming to visit the next day. Fortunately for me Rachel was here also and I had my camera handy. These are some of the moments that I love as a mother. The laughter and silliness of sisters.

The future Betty Crocker? Fun times with great girls, now all that is left is the clean up!!!! For some reason it even was fun and quick.
Thanks to an old family friend for the great frosting recipe we have loving called "Bonnie Smith's frosting."


  1. What fun! I haven't jumped on the cupcake wagon yet; I've been experimenting with ice cream with the hot temps here...

  2. Sounds like fun love to see your recipes!

  3. next betty crocker... haha no..
