Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hams and Beans

One of the ways to stretch the grocery dollar is by planning several meals from one. We love to cook a large ham shank or a smoked picnic and serve it for a basic meal and then with the left over meat we make a variety of things. These cuts are great because they have the big bone which is great for making soups.
Ham and Beans

2-4 c. dry pinto beans, soaked over night
1 med. onion, chopped
ham bone and some of the meat

Soak the beans over night, this helps the beans cook faster and eliminate some of the gas associated with dried beans. Place the bone, meat, onion, and beans in a large pan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for several hours until the beans are tender (pull a small spoon full of beans from the pan and gently blow on them, if the skin pulls away the beans are done). Add salt and pepper to taste.

This is great served with warm Cornbread or soft rolls, and making a large batch allows you to freeze some for another meal.

(This was a meal that both my husband and I grew up having. My Grandfather would often eat this with milk and bread (together) and green onions. My Mother told me it was from his days during the great depression, and often the milk, bread and onions were the main meal with an occasional treat of ham and beans.)

1 comment:

  1. I grew up with bread and milk suppers in my neighborhood~ my hubby loves ham and lima beans. Great post!
