Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Honolulu on a budget!?

Staying in Honolulu can be an expensive proposition! When you eat out for each meal or even if you are lucky enough to have a small kitchenette it is a challenge to keep within a budget. Purchasing a half gallon of milk on Waikiki is a shocking experience this time it was only $6.00 but a year ago now it was $9.00 a gallon. After a year my husband finally found a hotel that has a small kitchen in it and it has been nice to be able to make meals there as well as eat out occasionally. The kitchen is pretty small and not very well equipped but it is fun to use local items to create new meals. Who can pass up fresh pineapple and mango I always try to get more than one meal out of one and so before I left to come I used ingredients from two other meals to make breakfast.
First I blanched the remaining asparagus for three minutes then placed it in ice cold water to keep the bright green color and then cut into bite sized pieces. Second fried the remaining bacon until crisp, cut it up and cut up the remaining ham.
Saute 1/2 of a medium onion in olive oil until transparent and then add the ham, bacon, and asparagus and heat until warmed through.
Add four beaten eggs and gently stir until the egg is cooked through.
Top with Parmesan Cheese and fresh parsley, chopped. (At home I would bake it in the oven for 15-20 minutes but we didn't have a skillet that could go into the oven.)
We served it with fresh pineapple, mango, and multi grain bread with Passion Fruit jelly.

It was so yummy but I just couldn't finish it all.
This is the kitchen where we stay.
Aloha for this trip!

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