Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Growing up I hated containers like this! This is the third picking from our little backyard garden, I no longer hate this sight.
I remember my Mother canning for hours an hours. When I started my family one of the things I had her teach me was how to can green beans. I love the taste and texture of home canned green beans, they also make me a little nostalgic for Mom and Dad. I also like the satisfaction of knowing that we planted, grew, and canned them ourselves. I like looking at them on my shelves. Someday I hope my girls like to see containers like these in the future!
For the second picking I blanched, quick froze and froze the beans in serving size packages.
Fall is my favorite time of year with the harvest and leaves changing colors. I think that comes from my Dad. He always had a huge garden and spent hours taking care of it. Many years later I understand and appreciate that so much.

55 pints
8 large freezer bags

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I'm impressed! I remember picking, snipping, and snapping beans to get ready for canning. You've got some beautiful jars of beans there!
