Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Of all the recipes that I have tried with apricots this summer Apricot Orange Conserve is still my favorite! With the exception of using the whole apricots for Apricot Nector.

Apricot Orange Conserve

3 1/2 c. apricots
1 1/2 c. orange juice
1/2 orange peel
2 T. lemon juice
3 1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. chopped nuts, optional

Finely shred orange peel. Combine all ingredients except nuts in large saucepan. Cook until thick, stirring frequently. Add nuts if desired in the last 5 minutes of cooking time. Remove from heat skim and stir for minutes. Pour into hot jelly jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. Place caps, process in water bath for 10 minutes. 5-6 half pint jars.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recipe ~ I am gearing up to can peaches next week...
