Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pie Crust

When I was growing up I can remember when my Mom would try to make pie crusts and she always got frustrated and threw them away. As a result I thought that they were such a hard thing to do that I never would be able to master it myself. After I got married I made a pie for my sweetie, the worst pie I have ever made or tasted so I was convinced that it was an art I wouldn't learn. My Mother-in-law showed me a few months later how to make a pie crust. Since that time I have never been afraid of making them. Here are a few tips that I have found make it much easier.

After making the dough place on top of wax paper and flatten slightly.
The wax paper should be long enough so that you can fold it over to be on both sides of the dough and give it enough room to expand as you roll it out.

The wax paper allows you to roll it out without making a mess of your counter or rolling pin.
It also allows you to see how big the crust is to fit your pie plate.

When you get it to the size you want gently pull the wax paper away and fold over to put into the pie plate.
Gently unfold into the pie plate.
Trim to fit and create a nice edge.

Pie Crust

1/3 c. plus 1 T. shortening
1 c. flour
1/2 t. salt
2-3 T .cold water
(Double for two crust)
To roll out the top start with a fresh piece of wax paper!


  1. Very pretty~ what a great pie crust tip...I wonder if parchment paper will work?

  2. I tried it once but I like the way the dough pulls away from the waxpaper better.
