Thursday, March 11, 2010

Eggs in a Nest

When we lived in Sequim Washington and our oldest daughter was in fifth grade at the middle school she had a unit on cooking. She was so excited to come home and make Eggs in a Nest for us. It was a family hit! Still a favorite for an occasional Saturday or Sunday breakfast!

Brown hash browns in a skillet until golden on one side, flip over.
Salt and pepper to taste, and crack eggs on top of the hash browns.

Cover and steam the eggs until set. Approx three to five minutes.

Top with grated cheese.

Plate and serve.
This is so easy to do and only takes one pan, in a large skillet you can cook up to six eggs at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Saw this on here, and asked Dave to make it for me on Friday morning last week since he was home! Thanks for the reminder!
