Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Lady Bug

Well we've been noticeably absent the last little while. I've been doing some traveling and gardening and house cleaning and dieting! Actually changing some life styles that have allowed me to gain too much weight over the years as a result I have been able to lose a considerable amount of weight.!!!!! I have not been cooking as much lately because life has been so crazy but I am home for awhile and that should change.
Part of our travel was to see our "Little Lady Bug" for her first birthday. Neither she nor her parents knew we were coming so it was a fun surprise
Don't you love this sweet little face?
Her mom made the cutest cupcakes. She topped them with marshmallow flowers that were so cute and easy. She took kitchen sheers and cut through the marshmallow to make the petals.
She place them on the cupcake and then place a "lemon head" in the center;

Cydney also made this cute Lady Bug cake, this was her first attempt at decorating a cake so she kept saying it wasn't going to turn out like she envisioned it. By the end I think she was pretty pleased by it.
What's not to love about it, so cute.
What one year old wouldn't love to get her hands on that cake?
And yes I had a tiny little piece of cake to celebrate with her!
Happy Birthday Little Lady Bug!

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