Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Grandma Stevenson's rolls

In my search to find the right Chile Sauce recipe I came across several recipes that I thought were gone forever. I had written to extended family members for this one so you can imagine my delight when I found this one tucked away. I had written it down as she told me so it lacked organization but here it is. So excited I just hope I can make it the way she did, she was the master. And oh they are oh so yummy fresh out of the oven, later for a snack or even for "oven toast!" I am now going to get all of these recipes that I found on my site so they don't become "lost" again.

Grandma Stevenson’s Rolls (Rayda Stevenson)

1 c. milk
¼ c. sugar (1 c. for sweet rolls)
2 t. salt
½ c. shortening
4 eggs, beaten
1 c. warm water
4 yeast cakes
10 c. flour (approx.)

Dissolve yeast in warm water. Scald milk, add shortening, salt and sugar. Beat eggs and add to the mixture, then stir in yeast. Gradually add the flour keeping the dough soft.

Because she made these so often she recited the measurements to me as she was making the rolls. I am adding the remaining instructions.

Place dough into a greased bowl and cover, place in a warm area to raise. Let raise until doubled in size, punch down and let raise again. Punch the dough down again and roll into small balls, place on a greased cookie sheet and let raise again. Bake at 375 until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

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