Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oven Toast

One of the things that the Gourmet Guy's Grandmother made was wonderful rolls. She made them so often that she no longer needed the recipe to follow because she had it memorized. She also made them weekly and they were a real treat, so soft and so yummy. One of the things that she often did with the rolls for breakfast was to make "Oven Toast." We continue to do it with rolls in our family. I have not mastered the rolls like she did but if we have rolls for any occasion we usually make oven toast as well. (Shirley's Rolls are fabulous for this!)

Simply cut the rolls in half, butter them and place them on a baking sheet.
Place in the oven under a broiler and toast them until golden brown.

Serve with breakfast, or for a quick snack.
Our son-in-law laughs at us because we have little "pet" names for some of the things that we eat in our family. Just say Oven Toast, Uinta Eggs, or Camping Pancakes and it evokes a response in all of us, great memories, great traditions, family time!