Saturday, July 20, 2013


I have never been a huge fan of blueberries!  But in an effort to eat better and have better variety I have started to use blueberries more and more.  The Gourmet Guy grew up in the Northwest where fresh berries are at their best, he has slowly converted me!  With our new garden space we decided that we will put in some blueberry plants and so rather than just eating them in yogurt all of the time I decided to start collecting recipes and trying them.  I bought a s case of blueberries from one of my daughters who belongs to a sort of co-op for fresh and vegetables.  So here I go on my newest recipe challenge!

#1   Grilled Blueberry Cheese (pinterest)

For sandwich maker or toastites

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/3-1/2 c. powdered sugar (your taste)

Mix together.   Place buttered side bread down on sandwich make and top with fresh blueberries.  Place second piece of bread down on top and butter top side.  Place lid down and cook 1-2 mins.

Good for a sweet treat at home or camping.  A little too sweet for a simple breakfast!

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