Thursday, October 13, 2016

Scalloped Potaotes

Growing up my Mother made the best scalloped potatoes, they are one of my greatest comfort foods.  Basic but so yummy.  One of the best things about the potatoes, if there were any left from the meal, was breakfast the next morning.  She would warm them in a frying pan and they got a little crispy and so delightful.  This to me is great comfort food.  Missing both Mom and Dad a lot right now and the weather has turned cooler so for dinner and breakfast I turned to comfort food.
Mom's Scalloped Potatoes
4-5 medium russet potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly (I use my food processor)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 cube butter, cut into pieces
Butter a casserole dish or a 9x13 pan and dust with flour.  Layer potatoes, onion, butter pieces, sprinkle salt and flour (about 1 to 1 1/2  T. flour per layer)  repeat until the potatoes are all layered leave about 3/4 inch to the top of the pan.  Cover with milk until all of the flour is mixed covered.  Bake at 350 for 1 1/2 hours. The milk on top should be golden brown when baking is completed.
Hint I usually start them in the microwave for about 10 mins to reduce the cooking time.  AND I place the casserole or baking pan on  a foil lined cooking sheet in the oven to prevent the milk bubbling over and making a mess. 
Some people put cheddar cheese in the layering as well but this was something we have never done. This was a recipe that was a staple for her family as they lived through very hard times.  They used the basics.  I don't change the goodness she made.  I often doubled the recipe for my family to ensure that we had enough for breakfast and we now like to put an over easy egg and bacon  to the side, we don't make them often but they are a treat when we do.

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